YugabyteDB vs CockroachDB

August 12, 2021

YugabyteDB vs CockroachDB

When it comes to modern-day distributed SQL databases, YugabyteDB and CockroachDB are two names that have been making quite a buzz in the industry. Both platforms possess some similarities but ultimately have their differences.

In this blog post, we'll be taking a deep dive into the similarities and differences between YugabyteDB and CockroachDB, and figure out which platform is best suited for your business requirements.


Before we get started with our comparison, let's first introduce both platforms briefly.

YugabyteDB is an open-source, high-performance distributed SQL database built on top of PostgreSQL. YugabyteDB uses a sharded, multi-master architecture, and supports replication across regions and data centers. YugabyteDB is known for its strong consistency, fault tolerance, and resilience in the face of partial or complete network partitioning.

CockroachDB is also an open-source distributed SQL database that is designed to deliver seamless global transactions with high consistency, scalability, and survivability. It utilizes a distributed key-value store to manage transactions across multiple nodes and multiple data centers. CockroachDB provides strong consistency, ACID transactions, and automatic data sharding, making it a full-fledged distributed SQL solution.

Now that we have introduced both platforms, let's jump into the comparison.



Both YugabyteDB and CockroachDB utilize a multi-master architecture. However, YugabyteDB uses a sharded architecture that consists of tablets, with each tablet being assigned to a specific node in the cluster. In contrast, CockroachDB utilizes a horizontally-scalable key-value store, which it then utilizes to replicate data across regions and data centers.

SQL Compatibility

Both platforms are designed to be compatible databases that support standard SQL. Additionally, YugabyteDB is built on top of PostgreSQL and its extensions, which makes it more-or-less fully compliant with PostgreSQL. CockroachDB, on the other hand, does not use any specific SQL engine or standard, as it is built on top of its own distributed key-value store.

Fault Tolerance and Scalability

Both platforms offer strong fault tolerance and scalability capabilities. They are both horizontally scalable, fault-tolerant, and can withstand various network failures. However, YugabyteDB offers a better guarantee of strong consistency across its clusters, thus making it more resilient to network partitioning.


When it comes to performance, YugabyteDB and CockroachDB are quite similar. Both platforms are capable of delivering high performance, as they are designed to scale horizontally and handle massive data sets.


Both YugabyteDB and CockroachDB are well-suited for businesses that require a distributed SQL database with high scalability and fault tolerance. However, the choice ultimately boils down to specific business requirements.

CockroachDB is an excellent solution for businesses seeking a distributed SQL solution designed from the ground-up. It provides seamless scaling and offers strong consistency and ACID transactions. YugabyteDB is an excellent choice for businesses that require a distributed SQL solution with sharding capabilities and strong consistency across regions and data centers.


  1. "YugabyteDB Architecture", Yugabyte, URL: https://docs.yugabyte.com/latest/architecture/overview/.
  2. "CockroachDB Architecture", Cockroach Labs, URL: https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/stable/architecture/overview.html.
  3. "YugabyteDB Overview", Yugabyte, URL: https://docs.yugabyte.com/latest/quick-start/overview/.
  4. "CockroachDB Overview", Cockroach Labs, URL: https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/stable/what-is-cockroachdb.html.

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